Even we ourselves

โดย: Even we ourselves [IP: 84.252.92.xxx]
เมื่อ: 2022-11-22 00:33:46
Even we ourselves are the same. Live a good life. One day, push yourself to find something and make your life change. In the meantime, there will be hope that comes in, right? Accept that we will do some success and may make mistakes and fail some. There will be days when friends can do better than us, but there will be days when we can do better than friends. There will be days when we Having hugged a friend and there will be a day when we break up with the friend we love. There will be a lot of things that happen in life, as it has always happened, so a stable heart is important. Well, to live in the storms of all life, for me, a stable heart is a heart that will not tremble with the events that fluctuate so much in life, that is, time. The good thing that I found may not be as full as a balloon that has already inflated. Joker123


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